Source code for lyceanem.geometry.geometryfunctions

import copy

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
from numba import vectorize
from packaging import version
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
from .. import base_types as base_types
from .. import base_classes as base_classes
from ..raycasting import rayfunctions as RF

def tri_areas(solid):
    Takes as an import an open3D triangle mesh, then calculates the area of all triangles in the global units, and
    returns as an array of areas
    triangle_vertices = np.asarray(solid.vertices)
    triangleidx = np.asarray(solid.triangles)
    a_vectors = (
        triangle_vertices[triangleidx[:, 1], :]
        - triangle_vertices[triangleidx[:, 0], :]
    b_vectors = (
        triangle_vertices[triangleidx[:, 2], :]
        - triangle_vertices[triangleidx[:, 0], :]
    u = np.cross(a_vectors, b_vectors)
    areas = 0.5 * ((u[:, 0] ** 2 + u[:, 1] ** 2 + u[:, 2] ** 2) ** 0.5)

    return areas

def tri_centroids(solid):
    In order to calculate the centroid of the triangle, take vertices from open3d triangle mesh, then put each triangle
    into origin space, creating oa,ob,oc vectors, then the centroid is a third of the sum of oa+ob+oc, converted back
    into global coordinates
    triangle_vertices = np.asarray(solid.vertices)
    triangleidx = np.asarray(solid.triangles)
    oa = triangle_vertices[triangleidx[:, 0], :]
    ob = triangle_vertices[triangleidx[:, 1], :]
    oc = triangle_vertices[triangleidx[:, 2], :]
    centroids = (1 / 3) * (oa + ob + oc)
    centroid_cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
    centroid_cloud.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(centroids)
    centroid_cloud.normals = solid.triangle_normals
    return centroids, centroid_cloud

def decimate_mesh(solid, mesh_sep):
    In order to calculate the scattering appropriately the triangle mesh should be decimated so that the vertices
    are spaced mesh_sep apart.
    inputs are the :class:`open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` solid, and the mesh_sep, and the output is a new :class:`open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh`. This is only required for
    the discrete scattering model, using the centroids or vertices
    new_solid = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh()
    # lineset=o3d.geometry.LineSet.create_from_triangle_mesh(solid)
    # identify triangles which are too large via areas greater than mesh_sep**2
    area_limit = mesh_sep ** 2
    areas = tri_areas(solid)
    large_tri_index = np.where(areas > area_limit)[0]
    while np.max(areas)>area_limit:
        areas = tri_areas(solid)

    return new_solid

@vectorize(["(float32(float32))", "(float64(float64))"])
def elevationtotheta(el):
    # converting elevation in degrees to theta in degrees
    # elevation is in range -90 to 90 degrees
    # theta is in range 0 to 180 degrees
    if el >= 0.0:
        theta = 90.0 - el
        theta = np.abs(el) + 90.0

    return theta

@vectorize(["(float32(float32))", "(float64(float64))"])
def thetatoelevation(theta):
    # converting theta in degrees to elevation in degrees
    # elevation is in range -90 to 90 degrees
    # theta is in range 0 to 180 degrees
    if theta <= 90.0:
        # theta=(90.0-el)
        el = 90 - theta
        # theta=np.abs(el)+90.0
        el = -(theta - 90.0)

    return el

[docs]def open3drotate( item, rotation_matrix, rotation_centre=np.zeros((3, 1), dtype=np.float32) ): """ Parameters ---------- item : open3d object :class:`open3d.geometry.PointCloud`, :class:`open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh` or other open3d objects with .rotate function rotation_matrix : open3d rotation matrix rotation matrix for the desired transformation rotation_centre : numpy float (3,1) desired rotation centre, defaults to the origin Returns ------- item : open3d object rotated item """ if version.parse(o3d.__version__) >= version.parse("0.10.0"): # new syntax for rotations item.rotate(rotation_matrix, center=rotation_centre) else: item.translate(-1 * rotation_centre) item.rotate(rotation_matrix, center=False) item.translate(rotation_centre) return item
def get_cross_prod_mat(pVec_Arr): # pVec_Arr shape (3) qCross_prod_mat = np.array( [ [0, -pVec_Arr[2], pVec_Arr[1]], [pVec_Arr[2], 0, -pVec_Arr[0]], [-pVec_Arr[1], pVec_Arr[0], 0], ] ) return qCross_prod_mat def calculate_align_mat(pVec_Arr): scale = np.linalg.norm(pVec_Arr) pVec_Arr = pVec_Arr / scale # must ensure pVec_Arr is also a unit vec. z_unit_Arr = np.array([0, 0, 1]) z_mat = get_cross_prod_mat(z_unit_Arr) z_c_vec = np.matmul(z_mat, pVec_Arr) z_c_vec_mat = get_cross_prod_mat(z_c_vec) qTrans_Mat = ( np.eye(3, 3) + z_c_vec_mat + np.matmul(z_c_vec_mat, z_c_vec_mat) / (1 +, pVec_Arr)) ) qTrans_Mat *= scale return qTrans_Mat def axes_from_normal(boresight_vector, boresight_along="x"): """ Calculates the required local axes within the global coordinate frame based upon the desired boresight, the standard is that the x-axis will be pointed along the desired boresight_vector, while the z-axis will be aligned as closely as possible to the global z-axis. Parameters ---------- boresight_vector Returns ------- rotation_matrix """ # initially define the rotation matrix based inline with the global coordinate frame. #for more consistency, need to calculate additional vectors to ensure rotation mapping is correct. replacement_vector = boresight_vector / np.linalg.norm(boresight_vector) if boresight_along == "x": alignment_vector=np.array([[1.0,0,0]]) u_vector=np.array([[0.0,1.0,0]]) v_vector=np.array([[0,0,1.0]]) elif boresight_along == "y": alignment_vector=np.array([[0.0,1.0,0]]) u_vector = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0]]) v_vector = np.array([[0, 0, 1.0]]) elif boresight_along == "z": alignment_vector=np.array([[0.0,0,1.0]]) u_vector = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0]]) v_vector = np.array([[0, 1.0, 0]]) rotation,_=R.align_vectors(replacement_vector.reshape(1,3),alignment_vector) # if boresight_along == "x": # # then u should be based on y, and v on z # rotation_matrix[1, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[2, :], rotation_matrix[0, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[2, :], rotation_matrix[0, :])) # rotation_matrix[2, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[0, :], rotation_matrix[1, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[0, :], rotation_matrix[1, :])) # if np.any(np.isnan(rotation_matrix)): # # nan in rotation_matrix, start again with different basis vector # rotation_matrix = np.eye(3) # rotation_matrix[0, :] = replacement_vector # rotation_matrix[2, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[0, :], rotation_matrix[1, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[0, :], rotation_matrix[1, :])) # rotation_matrix[1, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[2, :], rotation_matrix[0, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[2, :], rotation_matrix[0, :])) # elif boresight_along == "y": # # then u should be based on x, and v on z # rotation_matrix[0, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[1, :], rotation_matrix[2, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[1, :], rotation_matrix[2, :])) # rotation_matrix[2, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[0, :], rotation_matrix[1, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[0, :], rotation_matrix[1, :])) # if np.any(np.isnan(rotation_matrix)): # # nan in rotation_matrix, start again with different basis vector # rotation_matrix = np.eye(3) # rotation_matrix[1, :] = replacement_vector # rotation_matrix[2, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[0, :], rotation_matrix[1, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[0, :], rotation_matrix[1, :])) # rotation_matrix[0, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[1, :], rotation_matrix[2, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[1, :], rotation_matrix[2, :])) # elif boresight_along == "z": # # then u should be based on x, and v on y # rotation_matrix[0, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[1, :], rotation_matrix[2, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[1, :], rotation_matrix[2, :])) # rotation_matrix[1, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[2, :], rotation_matrix[0, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[2, :], rotation_matrix[0, :])) # if np.any(np.isnan(rotation_matrix)): # # nan in rotation_matrix, start again with different basis vector # print('nan') # rotation_matrix = np.eye(3) # rotation_matrix[2, :] = replacement_vector # rotation_matrix[1, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[2, :], rotation_matrix[0, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[2, :], rotation_matrix[0, :])) # rotation_matrix[0, :] = np.cross( # rotation_matrix[1, :], rotation_matrix[2, :] # ) / np.linalg.norm(np.cross(rotation_matrix[1, :], rotation_matrix[2, :])) return rotation.as_matrix() def mesh_conversion(conversion_object): """ Convert the provide file object into triangle_t format Parameters ---------- conversion_object : solid object to be converted into triangle_t format, could be open3d trianglemesh, solid, or antenna structure Returns ------- triangles : numpy array of type triangle_t """ if isinstance(conversion_object,base_classes.structures): triangles = object.triangles_base_raycaster() elif isinstance(conversion_object,base_classes.antenna_structures): exported_structure=base_classes.structures(solids=object.export_all_structures()) triangles=exported_structure.triangles_base_raycaster() elif isinstance(conversion_object,type(o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh())): triangles=RF.convertTriangles(object) elif isinstance(conversion_object,list): triangles = np.empty((0), dtype=base_types.triangle_t) #print("Detected List") for item in conversion_object: #print(type(item)) #print(isinstance(item,type(o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh()))) if isinstance(item, type(o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh())): triangles = np.append(triangles,RF.convertTriangles(item),axis=0) #print(len(triangles)) elif isinstance(item, base_classes.structures): triangles=np.append(triangles,item.triangles_base_raycaster(),axis=0) #print(len("B ",triangles)) else: print("no structures") print(type(object)) triangles = np.empty((0), dtype=base_types.triangle_t) return triangles