Modelling a Coherently Polarised Aperture

This example uses the frequency domain lyceanem.models.frequency_domain.calculate_farfield() function to predict the farfield pattern for a linearly polarised aperture. This could represent an antenna array without any beamforming weights.

import copy

import numpy as np
import meshio

Setting Farfield Resolution and Wavelength

LyceanEM uses Elevation and Azimuth to record spherical coordinates, ranging from -180 to 180 degrees in azimuth, and from -90 to 90 degrees in elevation. In order to launch the aperture projection function, the resolution in both azimuth and elevation is requried. In order to ensure a fast example, 37 points have been used here for both, giving a total of 1369 farfield points.

The wavelength of interest is also an important variable for antenna array analysis, so we set it now for 10GHz, an X band aperture.

az_res = 181
elev_res = 181
wavelength = 3e8 / 10e9


In order to make things easy to start, an example geometry has been included within LyceanEM for a UAV, and the triangle structures can be accessed by importing the data subpackage

import lyceanem.tests.reflectordata as data

body, array, source_coords = data.exampleUAV(10e9)

# .. image:: ../_static/open3d_structure.png

# crop the inner surface of the array trianglemesh (not strictly required, as the UAV main body provides blocking to
# the hidden surfaces, but correctly an aperture will only have an outer face.
surface_array = copy.deepcopy(array)
surface_array.cells[0].data = np.asarray(array.cells[0].data)[: (array.cells[0].data).shape[0] // 2, :]

surface_array.cell_data["Normals"] = np.array(array.cell_data["Normals"])[: (array.cells[0].data).shape[0] // 2]

from lyceanem.base_classes import structures

blockers = structures([body, array])

from lyceanem.models.frequency_domain import calculate_farfield

import pyvista as pv


source_points = surface_array.points

Drawbacks of lyceanem.geometry.geometryfunctions.sourcecloudfromshape()

As can be seen by comparing the two source point sets, lyceanem.geometry.geometryfunctions.sourcecloudfromshape() has a significant drawback when used for complex sharply curved antenna arrays, as the poisson disk sampling method does not produce consistently spaced results.

desired_E_axis = np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.float32)
desired_E_axis[0, 1] = 1.0

Etheta, Ephi = calculate_farfield(
    az_range=np.linspace(-180, 180, az_res),
    el_range=np.linspace(-90, 90, elev_res),

Storing and Manipulating Antenna Patterns

The resultant antenna pattern can be stored in lyceanem.base.antenna_pattern as it has been modelled as one distributed aperture, the advantage of this class is the integrated display, conversion and export functions. It is very simple to define, and save the pattern, and then display with a call to lyceanem.base.antenna_pattern.display_pattern(). This produces 3D polar plots which can be manipulated to give a better view of the whole pattern, but if contour plots are required, then this can also be produced by passing plottype=’Contour’ to the function.

from lyceanem.base_classes import antenna_pattern

UAV_Static_Pattern = antenna_pattern(
    azimuth_resolution=az_res, elevation_resolution=elev_res
UAV_Static_Pattern.pattern[:, :, 0] = Etheta
UAV_Static_Pattern.pattern[:, :, 1] = Ephi

../_images/sphx_glr_02_coherently_polarised_array_001.png ../_images/sphx_glr_02_coherently_polarised_array_002.png
../_images/sphx_glr_02_coherently_polarised_array_003.png ../_images/sphx_glr_02_coherently_polarised_array_004.png

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